Joaquín Rodríguez del Paso / Costa Rica
Octubre- diciembre. 1995
Sala I
Curaduría: Rolando Castellón y Virginia Pérez-Ratton
“(…) del Paso is calling attention to the negative side of particular post-Columbian occurrences and seeks to draw parallels between the attitudes and behavior of early arrivals of Europeans in this country with those who are part of the present –day influx of tourism (…) The paintings mock the style of 19th century German artist Ferdinand Bellerman, who painted postcards type pictures that would attract Old World people to visit the colony. Portraying lush landscapes but in a life less and barren manner, the paintings are not intended to be pretty or meritorious –hence del Paso´s of pseudonym. The coat of arms on each is a symbol of conquest, ownership, something taken by force. Bill Skuce. Museum Reopens with Exciting Show. Weekend. The Tico Times. December 1, 1995
“Con ironía, Del Paso usa la visión bellermiana, costumbrista y facilona, que esxonde la expoliación sanguinaria de los europeos que vinieron a “hacer la América”; “Hotel América” es una “suite” bien concebida, coherente (…) una propuesta que denuncia el eurocentrismo dulzón de la historia oficial”. Juan Bernal Ponce. Del Paso por América con el desconocido Corbusier. Crítica de Arte, Revista Viva, La Nación, 23 de noviembre de 1995.
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